General Assembly of the CISAC European Committee presided by José Jorge Letria takes place in Moscow on April 5 and 6

The Annual General assembly of the European Committee of Societies of Authors of CISAC, chaired by José Jorge Letria until 2018, who will direct this meeting with the participation of dozens of societies of authors from all over the Europe, will take place in Moscow on the 5th and 6th of April.

In debate there will be subjects related to the management of those societies in the difficult European context, which has worsened, at the level of the European Union, with the almost definite exit from Great Britain, which had a seat in the Board of the European Group of Societies of Authors (GESAC), based in Brussels, of which the SPA is part.

In Moscow,directing the operations, will be, along with José Jorge Letria, Mitko Chatalbashev, Executive Director of CISAC for Europe and Javier Gutiérrez, Vice-President of CISAC and President of Spain’s VEGAP.

The European Committee will do its best so that Russian collective management entities rights are respected and consolidated and there is a more intense level of dialogue in relations between European societies, without it being felt the tensions that mark the balances between north and south and east and west.

The interventions of José Jorge Letria at international level always highlight this point, especially in the context of the crisis which characterizes the present moment.

Prior to the general meeting, the structure representing CISAC will hold meetings with the structures that direct Russian cultural life, with the aim of transmitting the global positions and appeals of that Confederation.

Lisbon, March 27, 2017



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