Pedido de apoio dos Autores Espanhóis

A União Espanhola de Argumentistas, “ALMA”, de acordo com a mensagem abaixo, lançou um manifesto e uma petição para apoiar a lei anti-pirataria, rejeitada pelo Parlamento espanhol em Dezembro de 2010.

A iniciativa levada a cabo pela ALMA foi, desde logo, apoiada pelas sociedades de autores espanholas, com as quais a SPA se solidariza. Encorajamo-lo a fazê-lo individualmente, assinando a petição online.


Fellow Scriptwriters:

A message from your colleagues at ALMA, the Spanish Scriptwriters Union.

For the first time in Spain a member of parliament has bravely proposed an anti-piracy law.

A softline proposal, it did not suppose prosecuting the downloader, rather attempting only to close the offending web sites.

The political reaction has been to reject this law, thereby legalizing indiscriminate piracy by default. Many of these web site owners, downloaders themselves, have reacted by launching a campaign under the apparent guise of freedom and in defence of ” the right to share”, ignoring the fact that what they are sharing is not theirs to share, and under the mistaken idea that freedom means the right to share what they want, when they want and for free.

Various Spanish writers have signed a manifesto demanding political resolve and above all justice in this matter.
As this issue affects not only ourselves, we ask you to please add your name to the petition in the hope that illegal downloaders see that we, the affected, are aware of what is happening and that every time they see your name in the credits of an illegally downloaded film or series they think: “I am stealing from those that give me enjoyment”.

Below is the link to the page where you can read the manifesto in English and hopefully add your support under the “Adherirse” option as the following.


DNI (Social Security number).
Correo electrónico: Email
*All fields are obligatory

Thank you for your support.

Kind Regards

ALMA Board of Directors

Ps: For more information please contact Antonio Ojeda. Secretary-General. ALMA Union of writers in Spanish at

c/ Marqués de Valdeiglesias 6 – 2º A. 28004 Madrid. Tel.: 91.521.23.39



    Av. Duque de Loulé, 31
    1069 – 153 Lisboa